Friday, 1 June 2007

... haiz ...

been reading through blogs AGAIN...this time all regarding of food,my favorite!!! (perhaps everybody's favorite also...hehe...)wao, so many delicious food and nice places to discover...feel like going out now and try each and everyone of it...*sigh* exam is two weeks from now, two thick dictionary-like textbook awaiting for me, no motivation, no initiative, no mood, no time, can't seems to pick myself to pick those books up...give me a goal, tell me something that i can look forward to...birthdays and a wedding cramp on this month, why so...feel so helpless, speechless...

p/s: a friend just tell me to be strong and have faith..Thank you so much...i'll try!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear..noe u no mood n no energy to pick up the book, sorry ya! mayb is my fault, coz i oways asking u out...made u cant bek to study mood! Must rmb, study now! after 28th u r free!!! u can where ever u want..johor aso can..haha..Gambateh!!!

.: babelearner :. said...

no people's fault, don't worry...28, 28, 28, come no, cannot, come slowly, as slow as possible....hahahaha =D

lx said...

Lol..for now we suffer..after that you can party and go on holidays as much as you want =P


Unknown said...


.: babelearner :. said...

Alex: after exam, no place to go pulak =P

Joseph: Thx!!! keep on supporting...haha...=D

lx said...

Are you sure?Usually after each sem you seem to go for a holiday somewhere =P

.: babelearner :. said...

somewhere?! yea, home is the place you call that...haha

lx said...

Sure you got plans already..just keeping it secret =p

.: babelearner :. said...

no plan, no secret...plan to have a good slumber and sweet dreams with free spirit =D