Thursday, 21 June 2007

::. rambling and ranting .::

finished my first paper today and it was so difficult. no time, and everything got flung the moment i started reading the questions. am i going to continue with the second and last paper. so tough, no hints and yet so many awaiting me to read!!! arghh ... ...

you cannot judge a person solely base on the exam result. some questions are a little easier, or maybe the markers are lenient, or maybe that day the student not feeling well,etc...can we have another way to gauge our understanding of the course besides exams?

no matter how long or how frequent i slept for the past few days, nightmare seems to hunt me, maybe due to high tension and being worried too much. maybe i am pressuring myself cause i am doing last minutes revision. *padan muka* can't blame others =P

Disclaimer: above statement were merely base on the writer own opinion and has nothing to do with any parties nor person.


lx said...

True!Exam results doesn't reflect a person! =X

I'm surprised that you do last minute studying..

But I have a feeling that your "last minute" wouldn't be 2-5 days before the exams right? =P


.: babelearner :. said...

i stray around the net, shows that i am not concentrating =P...seems like things are getting tougher and difficult or my own not paying attention??? haha...being lazy i guess =D

Anonymous said...

weeeeeeeee.... finally.. exam's over!! yeah!! let's relax... hahaha....
I hate exam... who suggested to judge student's understanding through examination??? haih... make us suffers much...

lx said...

True true...exam's over~~

When you're gonna invite me to your party?=P


.: babelearner :. said...

woon: i also wanted to ask the Q, who's idea for having exam...haha ^^

alex: my party? what to celebrate? it's only the first sem ler...haha...long long way to go..come my place, i treat you eat =D

lx said...

I don't know how to get to your place =P

You wanna cook for me ar?=P


.: babelearner :. said...

Alex, you dare to eat, I dare to cook...haha ^^V