Sunday, 25 November 2007

Bright ... Gifted ... Prodigies ... Genius

Read this: At the age of two-and-a-half, Marc Yu astounded his mother when he played out Mary Had a Little Lamb on the piano at a birthday party. He had never learn the piano before that!!! Age three,start taking piano lessons and could already play Beethoven. Six month later, had his first public performance. to date, has composed 10 pieces of music!!! For more, read from The Star. Excerpt from The Star - StarMag Variety (25.11.2007)

I am wondering and pondering how Leonardo Da Vincci and other counterpart from previous century are so talented, capable, knowledgeable to master well in field such as science, music, astrology, art etc etc etc ... ...

The documentary 'My Brilliant Brain' premieres on the National Geographic channel at 9pm 26 Now, 3 Dec, and 10 Dec. I wanna watch!!!!!! Nobody seems to have subscribe to this channel =P

Review by Christy Yoong
(The Star 25.11.2007) on Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake at Dewan Filharmonic Petronas sounded wonderful. I bet must be pricey too. It's a combination of sound and image. Anyway, it's over. Not much can I say, didn't I? =D


Anonymous said...

oOo.. I watched that. He's so cute and handsome!

.: babelearner :. said...

i wanna watch also ... wuwuwu ~