Sunday, 16 November 2008


For the love of food, my food picture is back again... hehe...LASAGNA :)

My Lasagna still need improvement...mmm...the bottom level is a bit too hard to chew =P

Coming week will be my food feast, yeahoo ^.^v


lx said...

Wah..that looks real good .____.

I pon want some.. =P've you been?Rarely see you on MSN

Daniel Wong said...

nvm, you can just give me the whole thing, i'll eat it for you since its hard =)

.: babelearner :. said...

Alex: looks can be deceiving :) cause msn nobody wanna talk to me :,( hehe...

Daniel: you mean the whole lasagna or the bottom hard part sure you don;t mind? can you spot your 'favorite'? hehe :D

lx said...

Aww...sure got someone will message you.. =X

Daniel Wong said...

of course the whole lasagna. i'll just have to remove those favourite ones on top :p

.: babelearner :. said...

Alex: a matter so little or none at all...haha :D

Daniel: Sorry, the whole lasagna is in my stomach, i mean digested....hehe...

lx said... always appear offline..of course la =P